Current Weather Conditions at Ocotillo Desert Luxury

Yuma, Arizona (Elevation: 207 feet)

2024-07-27 00:50

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature 92.2°F
Dewpoint 64.2°F
Humidity 40%
Barometer N/A
Barometer Trend (3 hrs) N/A
Wind 1 mph from 181° (S)
RPi Temperature 171.3°F
PM 1.0 7.0 ug/m^3
PM 2.5 9.0 ug/m^3
PM 10.0 12.0 ug/m^3
ET 0.00 in
Solar Radiation 0 W/m²


Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
94.0°F at 00:14
91.8°F at 00:43
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
64.4°F at 00:49
62.8°F at 00:08
High Barometer
Low Barometer
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
Today's Rain 0.00 in
High Wind 6 mph from 172° at 00:44
Average Wind 3 mph
Average Wind Direction 195°
High Pond Temperature
Low Pond Temperature
8.0°F at 00:06
6.0°F at 00:03
High ET
Low ET
0.00 in at 00:01
0.00 in at 00:40
High Radiation 1 W/m² at 00:01


24 hour
Total Rain 0.00 in
Total ET 0.00 in
Average PM 1.0 8.3 ug/m^3
Average PM 2.5 10.3 ug/m^3
Average PM 10.0 11.1 ug/m^3


Astronomical Data
Start civil twilight 05:21
Sunrise 05:49
Transit 12:44
Sunset 19:39
End civil twilight 20:07
Moonrise 23:47
Moonset 12:43
Moon Phase Last quarter (59% full)


Extra Information
Mobile Webpage Mobile formatted
Server Uptime 5 days, 0 hrs, 47 minutes
Wind Rose Wind Rose Link
Lightning Signals Detected N/A
5000km Lightning N/A (N/A)
500km Lightning N/A (N/A)
50km Lightning N/A (N/A)
About this weather station:

This is a custom weather station built around a Raspberry Pi which collects meteorological information from several sensors and sends it to 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python.

West facing webcam
Northeast facing webcam
East facing webcam
South facing webcam
Vertical facing webcam
Temperature and Dewpoint
Wind speed
Wind Dir
Wind Direction
Solar Radation
Particulate Matter
Particulate Matter
Lightning count
Lightning Count Local System
Lightning count
Lightning Count Blitzortung
Lightning count
Total Signals Detected Local System